4 star Stand Alone Sci-Fi.
Tales from the awesome classic Sci-Fi horror magazine from 1974-1987, Métal Hurlant, meaning Screaming Metal, also known in the USA and UK as Heavy Metal and in Germany as Schwermetall.
Adapted by and directed by Guillaume Lubrano these are six self contained episodes and if you are a fan of programs such as Twilight Zone or the outer limits these will be right up your space-lane.
The last fragment of a once living planet, its body blasted into dust by the madness of its own inhabitants while its head was cursed to roam aimlessly through time and space, screaming in pain and sorrow, in legend and fact, it is known as Métal Hurlant.
Michael Biehn (Aliens) is the lead and narrator of the first episode set in wild west times on an unnamed planet, where the quiet town of Totem has a hard drinking doctor, Dr Rowan (James Marsters, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel). His hands shake so much that he loses a patient, he is about to give it all up when Métal Hurlant passes overhead, and things change dramatically as his hands go up in flames. Telling this tale is Sheriff Jones (Biehn) conveying it to a stranger that has walked into his office looking to be the next doctor.
Totem becomes a totally different town after the docs ordeal as now he has amazing skills, saving people that should surely have died. But things are never straight in these stories so expect twists turns and shocks.
With stars such as John Rhys-Davies (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King), Scott Edward Adkins (The Legend of Hercules), these are all great stories, well acted and well directed. These episodes will give you the Sci-Fi fix you require, with alien war zones with endormorphes and Mecamorphes, gamblers that bet their eyes and loyal royal subjects that will do everything to save his princess. The special effects are a bit corny but I think that may be deliberate and in line with the stories and ideas.
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