Road Rash Reviews

Protanopia and Two More Timothy J. Cox Short Films Reviews

4 Star
Three Stories, One Man
Richard Propes of The Independent Critic states, ”If you know indie actor Timothy J. Cox, then you already know he’s a serious actor. Cox has always had a bit of an “ordinary Joe” aura going on about him. He’s comfortable playing a wide range of characters, and he’s not beyond going way out of his comfort…more

Renaldo Kell’s: The Bush Knife Release Review ****-

Cert TBC (15) | 87 mins | 2017

4 Star
Death, Vengeance and The Bush Knife.
This South African indie film comes via writer/ director Renaldo Kell (Legacy of Steel). This film was created on a microbudget and done in his spare time. Renaldo has pulled off an amazing job to bring us a full length film that keeps you gripped to the end, he’s a man with talent…more

Agrinai Movie Review ****-

Cert (TBC) | 93 mins | 2024

4 Star
Death Comes at Night
The Malaysian dynamic duo Thanesh Perrabu, Viknes Perrabu (The Snake and Ladder Gameboard: Paramapatham,  Rajathanthiram: The Piano), once again bring us a cracking thriller in their new movie release. They delve into the most dangerous minds of the worst kind of human beings, serial killers. Prepare to be scared.
Agrinai, starts with a cautionary tale of…more

The Haunted Studio Review ***--

Cert TBC (Streaming18) | 90 mins | 2024

3 Star
Horror Old-School Style.
Serial horror fan, writer, director now actor Chris Shane Sanders (Nest of Vampires, Werewolf Cabal) brings us his latest independent comedy-horror, a throwback to the classic age of British horror (1950s-70s). In this when things go wrong, occult caper., it’s time to ham it up. This time he uses the talents of Jon-Paul Gates (London Bridge is…more

Aftermath (Feature 2023) Review ****-

78 mins | 2023

4 Star
You Can’t See the Woods for the Trees.
Hungarian writer/director József Gallai (The Poltergeist Diaries, I Hear the Trees Whispering) and composer/editor, Cinematographer Gergö Elekes (Vulpes, Moth) once again team up to bring us a dark and mesmerizing Sci-Fi thriller. Mixing a cool Sci-Fi tale with great cinematographic atmospherics that have you keeping one eye looking over your shoulder and…more

War Blade DVD and Digital Review ***--

Cert 15 | 94 mins | 2024

3 Star
Peril Behind Enemy Lines.
Serial writer/director Nicholas Winter (Robin Hood: The Rebellion, House of Shadows) brings us a WWII thriller that sees a small group of freedom fighters join two professional fighters from the UK to go up against the might of the Nazi war machine. #SupportIndieFilm
Paul Lavigne (Ronan Summers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Edge of Tomorrow) is the leader…more

Battle Over Britian Review ****-

Cert 15 | 80 mins | 2023

4 Star
For Freedom, Their Sacrifice.
Once again, Father and son team, Andrew Burn and Callum Burn (Lancaster Skies, Spitfire Over Berlin) bring us a cracking WWII film, this time concentrating on twenty-four hours in the life of a spitfire squad based in the South of the UK as Hitler starts his offensive to control the skies above Britain. #SupportIndieFilm
The Battle for…more

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