3 star crime thriller with added sharks.
Into the Deep is a 2025 American action thriller film written by Chad Law (The Get Back, Black Water) and Josh Ridgway (Section 8, Howlers) and directed by Christian Sesma (Every Last One of Them, Paydirt).
It is available on UK Digital Platforms from 27th January 2025 and on Blu-ray and DVD from 3rd February 2025, courtesy of Signature Entertainment.
“There’s one rule though, that’s usually overlooked in the first lecture. I call it Seamus’s Rule. Which is, you’re a visitor here. You’re a guest.”
As the film opens, we meet Cassidy (Quinn P Hensley – Spirit), a young girl having a swimming lesson in the sea off the coast of Madagascar with her father. Suddenly, she feels something in the water and they scramble to get back to the boat, but her father is taken by a great white shark and killed.
Years later Cassidy (Scout Taylor-Compton – Desert Fiends, Ladybug) has conquered her fear of the deep and is now an oceanographer and accomplished diver, thanks to the insistence of her grandfather Seamus (Richard Dreyfuss – Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, Jaws), who doesn’t want her to live in fear. Old feelings begin to resurface as her husband Gregg (Callum McGowan – The Gallery, Raven’s Hollow), who hunts treasure for the British Museum, wants to dive a wreck in the same waters looking for gold.
She agrees to go along and they board a boat owned by Gregg’s friend Daemon Benz (Stuart Townsend – The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Chaos Theory) along with a couple of disposable NPCs Pierre (Maverick Kang Jr. – The Snatcher, The Creator) and Itsara (Lorena Sarria – Apache Junction). Off they go, but unfortunately, there is an evil pirate captain on the prowl for sunken drugs, Jordan Devane (Jon Seda – La Brea (TV Series), Canal Street). Combine this with shark infested waters and you are in for an interesting trip.
“Alright guys, say goodbye to the mainland, make yourselves at home and prepare for the adventure.”
Into the Deep is an enjoyable watch, but I was really looking forward to a good shark based creature feature and the sharks seem to take a back seat to the criminal activities of Devane and his humourless henchmen.
The special effects are pretty good and the sharks quite scary (although the blood does look a bit strange at times. The script is not brilliant but the film has a capable cast who deal with it very well and get the most from it.
What redeemed this film for me was the presence of Richard Dreyfuss, who famously appeared in Jaws, the original and best shark film. He also appears during the credits, giving a talk on shark conservation and attempting to redress some of the damage done to the reputation of sharks so many years ago. This film won’t go down in history like Jaws did, but it’s good fun and worth a watch.
“A great white goes wherever it wants to go. It’s their ocean. They were here a long time before we were here and they’re gonna be here a long time after we’re gone.”
It is available on UK Digital Platforms from 27th January 2025 and on Blu-ray and DVD from 3rd February 2025